
Real birth stories

I've had the honor of supporting, empowering, and advocating for each family I serve.


I can’t imagine what the experience would have been like without Ema; she is a true blessing to our family.

Ema arrived at Vanderbilt Med Center during the pushing phase of my very quick (6 hr start to finish) first time birth. She was truly a source of calm and peace throughout the experience. On arriving at the hospital, she stood beside my bed and I told her how glad I was she made it on time. My body had already begun trying to push, and it was a really intense thing to just let go and allow to happen. Ema placed her hand on my forehead and said “You’re doing great; just listen to your body.” It was everything I needed to hear in that moment. 

Later, shortly after my daughter was born (late pre-term at 35 weeks), Ema helped me to focus on getting my milk production started, since my daughter could not be with me immediately after birth. I learned how to hand express into a syringe with a little coaching and encouragement. This was all during Covid, when only your partner and/or doula could be with you. If Ema hadn’t been there, I’m unsure anyone would have thought to help me with this critical post-birth event. 


Ema encouraged me all along, reassuring me that I could do this and I could say that I had a wonderful, natural, unmedicated birth experience.

“Ema is one of the sweetest souls that I know. She’s always there to help and give wise counsel. She always put my mind at ease when I didn’t understand what was happening with my body and with my little baby growing inside of me. She has a lot of knowledge and she speaks from a lot of experience. 

During labor hours, she helped me realize in which stage of labor I was and when I would have to go to the hospital. If it wasn’t for Ema realizing how fast my labor was progressing, I would have had my baby literally in the toilet (no joke). Ema encouraged me all along, reassuring me that I could do this and I could say that I had a wonderful, natural, unmedicated birth experience. I would recommend her to anyone!”

-DIANA, 2017

It was so calming to have a voice there that reminded me to let each contraction go and to find a few seconds or minutes of peace and relaxation between them.

“One of the most helpful things about having a doula at my birth was hearing the affirmations that were read (I actually fell asleep standing up, leaning over the bed as Ema read them!). It was so calming to have a voice there that reminded me to let each contraction go and to find a few seconds or minutes of peace and relaxation between them. It really helped me focus and get through the most challenging parts. Reminding me to breathe during the pushing phase was also very beneficial!”

-Hannah, 2021

Having a doula at my birth was the most amazing and helpful experience.

“It was day two of a long and unexpected induction process,
and I was in the middle of laboring on Pitocin (a synthetic hormone that causes intense contractions) for hours without any pain medication or an epidural. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, scared, and disappointed in how the experience was progressing.

Ema arrived and just her smile and calming energy made me feel less alone. She was so grounding, and she listened to me with an ear that truly wanted to hear what it was I needed and wanted in that moment. She immediately began helping me with positions, supporting me with mantras, and directing the whole process in a gentle but guided way. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through that night without her. The next night when we finally welcomed our baby boy, Ema was by my side for the pushing and there as he came into the world. It truly does take a village to create and raise a family, and I
was so honored that Ema was a part of ours!”

— OLIVIA, 2021

Ema was a peaceful presence in an otherwise stressful and intense moment in our lives!

“Having my partner there to support me during labor was crucial and helpful, but there is something about having a birth expert alongside you as well to not only support you but provide tips and information along the way. Ema was just that. She was not only a huge source of information in the months prior to giving birth but she was instrumental when my labor started. 

She gave me information about things I could do at home when my labor first started and stayed in close contact with me until we decided to go to the hospital. She quickly met us there and immediately got me in the tub to help relieve some of the back labor pains I was
experiencing. She was hands-on and taught my partner how to perform hip compressions on me to aid in some relief. She advocated for me to the nurse who was about to ask me to get out of the tub so she could check the baby's heartbeat. Ema asked if she could find one of the waterproof tools they had so I could stay in the tub. She encouraged me to change positions and showed me which positions to try. 

She supported me when I decided to get an epidural and was with us during every step of my labor, which lasted 40 hours! She comforted me when I had to make the tough decision of getting a C-section and she was waiting in the room when I got out of surgery.”

— Kelly, 2020

Ema helped me make every decision for myself, and with each one I was becoming a more confident mother. She supported my husband so much as well, and really coached him on how to help me during labor and delivery.

“For the birth of our first baby, my husband and I immediately knew that we wanted the support of a doula during the process. What I thought I would be getting was a few tips for labor, and someone to hold my hand during birth. What we got was SO much more than that with Ema! She asked me so many questions that really empowered me and made me feel so cared for. She cared about what type of coaching I needed, how I handled pain and fear, and what things helped me to stay calm. Ema helped me make every decision for myself, and with each one I was becoming a more confident mother. She supported my husband so much as well, and really coached him on how to help me during labor and delivery. In moments of fear or uncertainty she was there to remind me of the strength mentally and physically that I had as a mother and it was so beautiful. Ema explained everything that felt unknown to me in labor and delivery and totally took the fear away for me. She even stayed until the wee hours of the morning to make sure we were okay, and to help with our first feeding which was so beautiful and appreciated. Ema has become a friend, and someone we value so much in the birth space. She is incredible at what she does and made me fall in love with the birth of our son and was there for the tender moments that I was born into motherhood. Ema is a treasure, and we couldn’t have done it without her!”

— Megan, 2022

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